Recommended Books for Defending Your Faith (Apologetics)

The following books are recommended for reading to learn how to better defend your faith: (You can click on the title of each book to order it on Amazon)

  1. The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Lee was an atheist journalist for the Chicago Tribune who investigated the claims of Christianity and ended up converting. He shares the insights of his journey in this groundbreaking work.
  2. More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell. This is a small, readable book by Josh that concisely summarizes his defense of the Christian faith.
  3. Don’t Check Your Brains at the Door by Josh McDowell. This is Josh’s argumentation brought down to a middle school level. Pastor Dave read this book in Middle School and found it extremely helpful in his formation as a Christian.
  4. Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh and Sean McDowell. This is the long-form work of Josh McDowell that goes into all the minute research of his argumentation. Written at a college/seminary level, this work will help to cement you in the faith.
  5. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. One of the classical works of Christian apologetics by the literary master who created the Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis was an atheist who later converted to Christianity and shares his argumentation for why he is a believer.
  6. The Reason for God by Tim Keller. Tim is the retired pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York who saw incredible success dialoging with skeptics about the Christian faith. The first chapter alone is worth the price of the book as it defends the Christian’s right to share the exclusivity of Jesus Christ.
  7. Cold Case Christianity by J.Warner Wallace. Written by an L. A. County homicide detective and former atheist, Cold-Case Christianity examines the claims of the New Testament using the skills and strategies of a hard-to-convince criminal investigator.
  8. Defending your Faith by R.C. Sproul. Sproul has a way of taking complex ideas and explaining them simply. His skills are helpful here as this book is suitable for High School students and older.
  9. Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask about the Christian Faith by Josh McDowell. This is a small readable book where you can look up some of the hardest questions Christians get asked by skeptics.
  10. The Apologetic Study Bible. Learn apologetics as you read through the Bible. This Study Bible is filled with notes all throughout that assist the Christian with a ready defense for answering the tough questions.

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Know Why You Believe by Paul Little. This is a classic work on Christian Apologetics that has influenced many within our church.
  2. The Questions Christians Hope no one Will Ask by Mark Mittelberg. Very readable book for all Christians that gives winsome answers to some of the toughest questions.