Helpful Resources to Reach my Neighbors

If you have a desire to reach your neighbors for Jesus and are seeking helpful resources in the process – be sure to check out the following ministries:

1. Neighbor Bible Studies 2 Go

NBS2GO is a website designed by Cru to help anyone share Jesus with their neighbors. The site includes completely free evangelistic/outreach Bible Studies that can be used in a home study setting. 

2. The Word One to One

This is an evangelistic tool being used around the world with great results. Purchase (or download for free) some books on the Gospel of John that include the text of John and some helpful commentary to assist non-Christians with a clear understanding of the Gospel. 

Download book one for free to get an idea of what this series looks like:

3. Christianity Explained

A six week bible study that uses the Gospel of Mark to help non-Christians understand the message of Jesus. This tool is used at Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. and comes with their recommendation. 

4. Bless Every Home

Bless Every Home is a helpful tool to meet your neighbors and to pray for them. Using census data, you can learn the names of your neighbors and track your evangelistic progress as you pray for them by name. 

5. The Alpha Course

Began in England and proven to be an effective starter study to help the most hostile to the Christian faith learn more about the Gospel message. 
