Resources for Boredom

  1. Watch some movies. Ways to watch filtered movies as a family. See our “taking control of media” resource that was provided to our parenting class recently. It provides a lot of helpful ways to obtain digital movies cheaply. It also goes over all of the various methods on the market to filter movies. Check out some old movies – like Buster Keaton films – all of which are free to watch on Youtube. For Example – Watch the Buster Keaton film Sherlock Jr as a Family for free on Youtube.
  2. Board Games – The most infectious board games in the Crowe household has been: Codenames; Skip-Bo; Uno; Settlers of Catan; Phase 10; Sorry; and Rummikub.
  3. Jigsaw Puzzles.
  4. City Parks – All of the city parks in Orange County and Osceola County have remained open during the Pandemic. Go to them while you still can.
  5. Start a Blog. You can start a blog for free using Blogger or WordPress.
  6. Read some good books. Start by checking out Tim Challies recommended lists.
  7. Take walks as a family.
  8. Learn how to conduct Family Worship. Check out this video by David Platt on how to get started.
  9. Play Retro Arcade Games online for free. The Internet Archive has ways to play the most famous arcade games of all time – right in your internet browser. Introduce your children to incredible games like Joust or Marble Madness.
  10. Learn a musical instrument. Search for any instrument on Youtube (Viewer discretion).
  11. Learn how to cook or cook something new watching cooking videos on Youtube. Check out Jamie Oliver’s video on how to cook an omelet.
  12. Obtain a Minor in the Bible for free from Cedarville University.
  13. Learn a new language for free with Duolingo