Post With Comments

This post will show off how commenting looks and works with United.  Take a look below.

7 Comments On “Post With Comments”

  1. Bill Robbins

    Here’s the first comment to kick things off.

  2. Bill Robbins

    This is a reply to the very first comment. Cool right?

  3. Bill Robbins

    This is the start of a new thread.

  4. This is a fake comment from Matt. Nifty.

  5. Bill Robbins

    Comments are the lifeblood of blogging. They allow you to interact with your readers. You might have a lot to say or a little. Either way it’s nice to be able to respond.

  6. Bill Robbins

    I think you’re right. Plus threaded comments really add a new dimension too.

  7. Bill Robbins

    The lines also help keep the threads straight so you can tell who is responding to who.

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