Wednesday Night Schedule for Adults
Adult Wednesday Night Schedule
Meeting in Room 31 of the Shepherd’s Hall (GYM) building room #31 from 6-8 pm on Wednesday Nights during the School Calendar Year. Our Adult “How Do you Know it’s True” Class covers topics such as:
Reasonable Doubt: Did Jesus and His followers make up a religion?
Textual Criticism: How do we know we can trust the Bible
Archeology: Is there physical evidence to back up Christianity?
Modern Attacks upon the Bible: Are there errors of contradictions?
Tactics to Defend Your Faith
Share your Faith without Fear: How to share your faith with gentleness and kindness
Answers to the most common objections to the Christian Faith.
Other Worldviews and Religions: Learn the differences between religions that come to or into your home.
Church Choir Practice
Come and join in the singing with our church choir practice. Performing many times each month, our choir is open to new voices joining in the chorus.