School of Fine Arts



 We welcome all our students and teachers and look forward to an exciting new
year of growth and discovery at our School of Fine Arts.

Please call for more information about lesson registration.


Rick Steele

School of Fine Art’s payment schedule:


Individual Classes Rate: for an individual Semester

Registration fee for the 12 week semester = $15.00

12 SOFA classes @ 30 minutes each @ $19.00 per class =$228.00

This includes 12 classes/lessons in fall/or spring and two
make up classes [if needed only for excused absences]

If making monthly payments, there is a monthly fee of $5.00/month (over 4 months) = $20.00

Total of registration, tuition, and monthly fee =$263.00

Upon Registration- payment is required for the first 2 months to get started

* Important-Payments due to begin lessons: (Example Fall semester)


Group Classes Rate: for an individual Semester

Registration fee for the semester = $15.00

12 SOFA classes @ 45 min @ $13.00 per class = $156.00

Note: A Full semester also includes 2 make-up weeks [if needed for an excused absence]

Summer [6 weeks] includes 1 make-up week only [if needed foran excused absence]

If making monthly payments, there is a monthly fee of $5.00/month (over 4 months) = $20.00

Total of registration, tuition, and surcharge/handling fee =$191.00

 For questions please call South Orlando Baptist Church office 407-859-1536

Payments (cash or  check) can be made directly to the Secretary team at SOBC/RCA

Church Office hours: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (M-F)